Lowering blood pressure without medication


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Lowering blood pressure without medication is possible!
High blood pressure affects more than 10 million people. A healthy lifestyle is often enough to normalise blood pressure and, up to a certain point, to avoid having to take medication. Tips to protect your arteries.
According to the French National Authority for Health (HAS), a sedentary lifestyle alone accounts for 5 to 13% of cases of high blood pressure (HTA). To better control your blood pressure, favour endurance activities (in other words, "cardio") during which the effort, of moderate intensity, can be sustained for a long time.
There are many ways that we can use to lower blood pressure without the use of medication like by eating foods that provide vital nutrient to the body like protein, vitamins and fiber and we should also include fruit and vegetables in our daily and also engage in morning workout
One of the best ways to avoid disease states like hypertension and also to manage them is through proper diet. Sadly, most Africans do not value this and we prefer calorie laden, fat filled western foods. Of course it also depends on the severity of your situation and I've seen patients whose lifestyle alone was able to keep them off drugs.

When it's severe though, attempting to do that is not only risky but can be fatal, especially when the person is aged or has other complications. The best things is to advice them that adjustment of lifestyle can help reduce their drug burden but not eliminate it completely.
  1. Walk and exercise regularly. Share on Pinterest Regular exercise can help lower your blood pressure. ...
  2. Reduce your sodium intake. ...
  3. Drink less alcohol. ...
  4. Eat more potassium-rich foods. ...
  5. Cut back on caffeine.