Most challenges investment face.


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This chapter is for investors; those who put their money in businesses to yield a return over time. I want you to know that no matter how good it is, most investments and businesses will have a challenge at one time or the other and they may not be able to pay for a while. Their response to this challenge is how you will know if you have been dealing with a legitimate business or a Ponzi scheme. If the business shuts down during this period and the CEO is nowhere to be found then you are dealing with a Ponzi scheme but if business continues and they start making payments no matter how small, you are dealing with a legitimate business and they will bounce back over a period of time.

Also one of the crucial factors you want to pay attention to is how the returns paid to you can be justified. For instance if a business is into real estate and they are still at the building stage but they are paying monthly interest to investors just know you are sitting on a time bomb! The business has not started generating money yet they are paying interest to you already; do the maths! It’s simple, they are simply taking money from others to pay you and one day it will blow up!

I don’t recommend where to invest and this not a recommendation but there is a man doing an amazing work. His name is Ebenezer of @investorzillionz and what he does is so smart. When you put money in his business he gives you land. So if anything ever happens you can’t lose because land always appreciates in value. He is the smartest businessman I know right now and if I ever want to put money somewhere I would give it to him because I have something of value in exchange for my money. Again this is not a recommendation but when I see a very good businessman I should recognize and celebrate the grace.

The average investment or business will face challenges within the first five years mostly between the 3rd to the 5th year but if this doesn’t kill them, they will be around for the next 5 years before they peak and face another challenge. It is a cycle and a survival of the fittest.
There are indeed a lot to be worried about mostly when you want to invest in a country like mine where the economy is highly unstable and so many business organization wind up on a daily basis. Intact it has become very terrible to the point where business depend largely on loans to survive people are just.hustling for others to benefit from their struggling.

In my country the first challenge i want to mention is lack of power in the country, this has made it very difficult for all forms of business in the country to gain her feet in the ground. They are struggling and wasting money to he generate electricity for business to thrive and become successful. So as an investor one will be worried about how to cope with all those challenges, because people will prefer to go for foreign product since their prices are far cheaper as compaired to locally made goods and service. And this has really discouraged those both local and foreign investors.

The next I will talk.about is the types of transportation system that we have here in my country, it is indeed very bad. As the roads are not motorable and factories can get easy access to raw materials.