My Bone Density Test Results Are Quite Horrible! What Should I do?


VIP Contributor
So I am a 30 year old guy and I am supposed to have a really healthy bones. This is because it is usually thought that older people are the ones who have bone problems. I am quite young and I was actually quite shocked to see that my bone density test results were really poor! So, a local pharmacy was offering bone tests for free and i decided to take the opportunity to get my bones tested. I think the test is called "Dexa scan". The test took a few seconds and I got my report. My bone density score shows that I have a -1.5 T-score! This kind of score is usually scored by elderly people who get tested. What should I do now? How can I improve my bone health?
There is no cause for alarm and it is better that you know the status of your bone earlier than when it will be too late. You only need to reduce the stress that you do undergo with you bone. Like you need to reduce the trekking and other energy sapping activites you do and eat much of calcium.
There is no cause for alarm and it is better that you know the status of your bone earlier than when it will be too late. You only need to reduce the stress that you do undergo with you bone. Like you need to reduce the trekking and other energy sapping activites you do and eat much of calcium.
There are a lot of things you need to understand ,bone density can be as a result of lack of calcium but not because of the trekking you are talking about, you can trek because it is a form of exercise but naturally the best thing he has to do at this point is to try as much as possible to consume food that are high in calcium because that is what will be needed to restore the loss density, doctors may advise in some of the food to take.