Pelvic inflammatory disease.


Verified member
This is an infection of the public order and signs of genital infection. which year occur in the acute or chronic forms. They are cute forms present has a febrile illness a woman with pelvic infection.
The chronic form result due to inadequate treated acute case. The causes of pelvic inflammatory disease has as following.
Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and trichomonas.
Post abortal.
Indigenious vagina.and perineal Flora
And so on.
Most of the symptoms of these infections are fever, offensive vaginal discharge, and also abdominal pain together with waist pain, most of the time, menstrual irregularities and menstrual pain investigation carried out,it shows that full blood count mid-stream urine and high vagina swab normally occured during the microscopic examination.


New member
This is an infection of the public order and signs of genital infection. which year occur in the acute or chronic forms. They are cute forms present has a febrile illness a woman with pelvic infection.
The chronic form result due to inadequate treated acute case. The causes of pelvic inflammatory disease has as following.
Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and trichomonas.
Post abortal.
Indigenious vagina.and perineal Flora
And so on.
Most of the symptoms of these infections are fever, offensive vaginal discharge, and also abdominal pain together with waist pain, most of the time, menstrual irregularities and menstrual pain investigation carried out,it shows that full blood count mid-stream urine and high vagina swab normally occured during the microscopic examination.
For the pelvis and surrounding areas inversion therapy might help relieve pain,and discomfort.Something like "Teeters hangups" This should be tried only if very sure that it will not aggravate,and if so should never be considered.Inversion therapy can release fluids into all areas that bear weight like ankles,hips,knees,and the spine,and vertabrae.This should be researched,and discussed with a Dr beforehand though.This is merely something to consider.