

A professional blogger and author named Darren Rowse developed the website and community known as ProBlogger. The website provides a wide range of tools and services for bloggers, such as blog prompts, advice on how to make money from a blog, and listings for freelance writing jobs. For bloggers to advance their knowledge of the industry and build relationships with other bloggers, ProBlogger also sponsors events and seminars.

Through ProBlogger, there are various methods to make money:

1. Blog monetization

ProBlogger provides advice and tools on how to make money from your blog through sponsorships, advertising, and other strategies.

2. Writing opportunities

ProBlogger provides a job board where you may look for writing positions. The website may be used to advertise your writing services and attract customers.

3. Selling goods or services

ProBlogger enables you to build an online store and market goods or services via your blog. The website may be used to advertise your goods and services to a larger audience. ProBlogger provides information about affiliate marketing, which you can utilise to monetize your site. This entails advertising goods or services from other businesses in exchange for commissions from sales.

4. Affiliate marketing

ProBlogger offers resources on how to use affiliate marketing to earn money through your blog. This involves promoting products or services from other companies and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral.
I know this platform called Probloggerbut I have never used it. I use adsnese and amazon ads on my blog and make money with these ads. I also sell digital products through my blog. Since I am already making money from my blog, I do not have a necessity to use a platform to get tips on how to make money. I am also not a writer, in a true sense, therefore, I don't look for writing opportunities. However, based on my understanding I can really recommend this site to those who are just starting out and want to build traffic and revenue on their blog. If you want to blog just because you can make money, my advice is never attempt blogging, however, if you want to blog because you are passionate about writing and you can build an audience for your works, start blogging. It takes a long time to pay off.
I have heard of problogger through someone who needed articles written by others. It seems they offer this service by hiring freelancers. I have also used this site as a way to learn the basics of blogging, but I couldn't afford their blogging course and to be frank, I wasn't sure about how good it was. Some people pay for false positive reviews and I didn't have money to lose.

I do hope to start my blogging journey in 2024 though and scale it to full-time in 2025. I have learnt that it takes a year or two to succeed, but $300 per month is my first target and that's why I'm not quitting my job till I can earn that.