Pros and Cons of Pop-up Ads


VIP Contributor
You can use Pop-up Ads in two ways, one, to monetize your site for generating revenue, and two, to run Pop-up ad campaign on Pop-up Ad Network to generate traffic.

Pop up ads are considered intrusive ads and visitors do not like these ads, you can even hear people saying that when you monetize your site with these ads, you will lose visitors. However, these ads are also an easy solution for earning revenue from your website.

When you are using Pop up ads for building traffic, you will be able to generate huge traffic on your site. This is a better option if you want to use a traffic exchange site or want to buy traffic. However, engagement on your site will be low because visitors are normally not interested in the pop up ads, so they will not check your website. Your traffic through pop up ads will be just a number, there will be no revenue generation through this traffic.