Earn Money Publish sponsored posts on social media


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Used to promote a particular product or service, sponsored posts are a form of advertising on social media. The difference is that, instead of being shown on the brand's profile, these contents are published on the influential users page. With this, the company segments the public and manages to reach a larger and more qualified number of people.
The amount paid to digital influencers by so-called publiposts takes into account the profile's audience, that is, the more followers you have, the more you can charge. On Instagram, for example, the fees are traded based on the CPM (cost per thousand impressions). According to a table of values released by influencer Matt Crump, users with five to ten thousand followers can earn from US$100 to US$500 (about R$411 to R$2,055, in direct conversion).
This is a way people make money these days but to earn from this job. You have to know about writing and probably proofreading because even some sponsored posts might still have blunders in it. So you have to at least go through it before you publish it to avoid negative reviews from readers
This is the particular method in which social media influence is usually used to make money right now. If you want to use this kind of metal then having some entry-level skill in copywriting is going to come in very handy for you. This will help you to be able to make compelling sales copy.