RankPay: Write and Get Paid


VIP Contributor
Every week, the RankPay audience tunes in to improve their skills. SEO, content marketing, and social media news are topics they frequently discuss. As a result, they are always looking for talented writers who have a knack for writing articles that are both highly useful and actionable.

What's better? For each original article you publish, they will pay you $50. Therefore, what are you awaiting?

Guidelines for Submitting a Cover Guest Post
Do you have a gift for writing? Do you know how to use digital marketing strategies well? Do you want to earn money blogging? Through the Blogger Program of RankPay, you can get more exposure and get paid each time one of your articles is published.

At the moment, they are looking for skilled copywriters who can write about the following subjects:

Small businesses
Digital Marketing

Submission Processes:
unique, actionable, high-quality, and useful content. 100% original and one-of-a-kind content. must pass a check for plagiarism. A conversational and instructive voice.
Use of data, pictures, and quotes from experts in a good way.
1,000+ words.

Additional Guidelines:

At the moment, they only publish content written by native English speakers. Sincere apologies to all of their overseas friends. Proper attribution must accompany all data, images, quotations, and external content. The width of the images must not exceed 800 pixels. You may not republish your article elsewhere if they publish it and accept it.

How to Submit Your Article for Review: If you want their editing team to look at your article, you'll need to fill out a form. Include a link to your article draft in Google Doc with permissions set so they can view it.

They will respond to let you know that your article will be published if it meets their editorial standards and content strategy. Please be aware that this procedure could take up to two weeks.