Reasons Why Your Ads Have Low Conversion


VIP Contributor
Advertising is a great method to generate sales if organic sales are not happening. However, sometimes, even when you are running ads, you will not have as many sales as should have which could be indicated by high impressions and low conversion or high clicks but low orders. Here are the reasons why sales are not coming and how you can change that.

Bad Ad Design

When your ads are designed badly, people don’t take an interest in your products. If your ad does not engage your users within a few seconds, you need to create better ads.

Target Market

The ads need to reach the right people, if your ad does not target your proper consumers, there will be low sales or no sales.

Bad Products

Sometimes you will see that people are engaging with your ads, they ********* and visit your store but they don’t buy the products. The reason for low conversion or low conversion is due to bad products.
This topic is very important for those who want to make money online especially those who want to make money from the blog. It is very pertinent that you should always ensure that you stick to the point that is raised by Mika if one really want to make good income for him or herself online. Having a bad product is one of the things that will kill your conversion rate in online store. If you are having a very good product, it is very certain that you would get enough conversion rate and you will make enough money for yourself.

Think about this, if you have a good product, you do not really need to do robust marketing because that product world market itself. I could remember, when a friend of mine promoted a kitchen utensils that would slice juice out of fruit and it was very effective and strong. it is also a durable products. So many people were ordering for the device and he made lot of sales because the product is good. This is the extent to which you can make a very good income for yourself if you are very keen to promoting good product
You can send customers to your store through the ads however, just because your customers reached your product page does not mean they will actually buy the product. Before they buy the product, they will check number of things and the first impression is the product image. Then they will check the product description and price. Potential customers will also check the reviews and ratings. If the product provides good impression in customers mind, only then there will be sale. Therefore, businesses need to create a good product listing. Good product listing means the product has a good title, the description tells everything about the product, the product has the proper pricing strategy for the target audience, etc. If the person who clicked the ad did not like the product, they will leave the page. Sometimes your ads do not even get clicks, that's because your ads are poorly designed.
When I was running a blog, I decided to run some Facebook ads. The ads had very high impression rates, but the click through rates were so low I was pouring money down the drain. That was when I took a step back, did research on what types of ads work and found out where my mistakes were.

One thing that's really important in an ad is the headline. If it is not compelling enough, people will skip your ad even if they see it multiple times. It should have a promise of a solution to their problem, hinting at possible benefit without giving away too much information.

Another thing is the pictures. A lot of social media ads, which most people use these days have pictures on them. You need to use a picture that will stop people from scrolling past your ad, but it should also be related to what you are offering. It should also follow the guidelines of the advertising platform or your ad will not be approved.