Relationship between the wholesaler and the manufacturer


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First of all let see what they all mean the first is the manufacturer he is the one that produce the product or item he use different ingredients or materials to create a finish goods whereas the wholesaler who sometimes refer to the the middleman is being seen as a merchant who purchase this products or goods in large quantities from the manufacturer and sea in small quantities to the retailers.
And the both have some relationships they include as follows:

They finance production by ensuring prompt payment to the manufacturer and this facilitate production processes.

Information dissemination :
They provide the necessary information to the manufacturer regarding the retailer's and consumers views about the products.

The wholesaler provides warehousing facilities to get rid of stock piling at the production point. Goods are stored here until they are bought hence it spurs the manufacturers to keep on producing.

Provision of transportation :
The wholesaler often provided transport needed in distribution. They send their vehicles to collect the goods fro the producer.