Saving money on airtime and data purchase


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On a daily basis, one of the most money consuming things is airtime and data purchase. Personally, there was a time when I decided to keep track of what I spend monthly on data and airtime and that was when I discovered that I was actually spending a lot on that.

I have recently found ways that I do save money on my data and airtime purchases and I decided to share some of them here.

✓ Always make estimate of how much data you will use for a long period: Usually, this is done on a monthly basis. Know how much data you'll need and you make a subscription that is huge enough. The more the amount of data, the less the airtime and that helps you save.

✓ Monitor your card usage: Always try to keep an eye on how you use airtime. There are times when you spend a lot on airtime whereas you could have spent lesser if you were conscious of your usage of airtime.

✓ Buy your data and airtime from cheap vendors; there are data resellers who add high amounts as their profit and the same with airtime. Make sure you patronize the cheapest.

✓ Go for value added services: There are bonuses that some networks grant. You can find which ones are available to you and take advantage of them.
It is not really about you making proper estimation of how much data you are going to use within a particular period of time .
The only thing I am facing here and the most challenging factors is just the discipline to only use this data when it is absolutely necessary

It is quite difficult for you to only use data data on something that benefits you because when you have data on your phone you'll be propel to check out other things such as watching videos on Facebook and YouTube and engaging in other social media action that will likely consumes your data .

The best way to completely avoid wasting of money on data is to avoid subscribing your phone when you don't have anything tangible to do that will generate you profit from your data subscription except you are discipline enough to subscribe and stick to your plans
You might be surprised to learn that most of us are spending way too much money on our data and airtime, when we could be saving money and getting more done.

I put together a list of ways you can cut down on how much you spend on your mobile phone plan:

1. Upgrade to the next level of service for less money. In order to get better coverage, you should consider upgrading your account to a more expensive plan, even if it means paying an extra $10 or $20 per month.

2. Get rid of your text message limits! Texting is very expensive, so why not just opt out? If you don't need the added convenience of texting or if you're on a budget. it's worth considering whether or not it would be worth it for you to get rid of your text message limit altogether (and vice versa).

3. Don't use data roaming! Data roaming charges can be extremely high when you're traveling abroad or using Wi-Fi. Try using apps like Signal or Wickr Messenger instead!
Saving money on airtime and data purchase is a great way to make your mobile phone usage more affordable. One way to do this is by purchasing a prepaid SIM card instead of a contract plan. Prepaid SIMs typically offer lower rates per minute and per MB of data compared to contract plans.

Another way to save money is by using apps that track your data usage and alert you when you're approaching your limit. Additionally, you can also look for special promotions and discounts offered by your mobile service provider, or consider switching to a provider that offers more affordable plans.