Saving Money on Sweets and small Candies


Valued Contributor
Food is one of the main expenditure in the majority of households all over the world. Then, it is also not too easy to really keep track of what you actually spend on food.

Too often, this means that the cost on food shoots up very easily. However, you can really save some money when you go for grocery shopping and buy less.

Time and again, one thing that you can cut down on, both for a healthier diet and to have more money is to cut back on the consumption of chocolates and other sweets, which are often very costly.


Verified member
One of the easiest and most efficient way to save up money is to understand the difference between wants and needs .
Being able to distinguish between wants and needs will go a long way in controlling what you spend your money on.
there are grocery that one may not necessarily need to have , and there are some that are irreplaceable.

Thus , knowing what you need and what you want will go a long way towards helping you to save more .
A scale of preference will also go a long way in helping one achieve this .

lack of a good spending plan makes on to be a spendthrift


Active member
I make sure to avoid giving the small candies to the kids. Not just because they are bad for teeth but also bad for overall health. And the chemicals being used with them. They kind of invite more problem in the long term. I'd say that sweet which are expensive are often not healthy either. That is one reason not just kids but adults too should avoid consumption of them. Knowing the health issue often give you much better idea on what should and should not be consumed.

Another thing that can be done is telling the kids about the wastage of money and health issues. That helps in saving money as well. I'd say this requires kids and both adults need to be more mature in the family for this to work as well.