Search Engine Optimization Strategies For Small Business

Jez Pelio

New member
There are several search engine marketing tactics that can be used by small business owners to get their businesses noticed. While the main business is predominantly online, it's still good to have some sort of presence in town or in the neighbourhood around one's home. That way when people are looking locally on the internet, they know exactly where to go.
small business search engine marketing
Local Search Engine Marketing

Local Search Engine Marketing While the main business is mostly online, it's still good to have at least a strong local presence even if most of the business is done online. That way when people are looking locally on the internet, they know exactly where to go. This is one of the major reasons why so many small businesses use SEO to boost traffic to their websites. Local Search Engine Marketing helps small businesses get found in the search results and is extremely effective in getting them noticed.

Paid Search Engine Marketing

Paid Search Engine Marketing When there are lots of websites out there competing for keywords related to small business, it's good for the small business owner to invest in paid search engine marketing. Paying for PPC campaigns to target key phrases like "small business search engine marketing" or "digital marketing" is relatively inexpensive and can yield great results over time. A great way to use PPC is to bid on specific key phrases. For instance, if you targeted the phrase "online stores," you could bid on "online stores" or "digital media."

Location Targeting

Location Targeting While there are several different ways to boost traffic for small business websites, location targeting is one of the best methods available. This is perfect for places like coffee shops, bars, bookstores, movie theatres, and other businesses that have locations all around an individual city. This method of search engines optimization can be extremely beneficial since it can help businesses find their audience. Google's Keywords tool is an excellent place to start when it comes to pinpointing the places in a city where certain keywords might be useful. Google also provides additional information about the population in each city as well as information on employment rates and crime rates within the city, among other helpful factors.

Negative Keywords One great thing about small business search engine marketing strategies is the use of negative keywords. A simple way to do this is to not include any specific keywords in your URL. Instead, include terms like "no," "limited," or "no longer available" in your URL. As an alternative to using negative keywords, many marketers choose to use a plural description for the same item. This can help draw more attention to the product or service by using words in a different context.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing While social media marketing is certainly not new, many small business search engine marketing companies have only recently begun to focus on this technique. The main reason for this is because it took off on the internet and proved to be incredibly effective for businesses. Because of its ease of use and overall low cost, social media marketing has been popularized even further. In fact, many professionals consider it to be one of the best ways to market online. If you haven't already established a good social media marketing strategy for your company, you should consider it now.​
It is important that if you want to go into search engine optimisation you should first of all do the basics like making your website very responsive on both mobile and desktop. You should also ensure that your website is very easy to use and also on the fact that you post consistent and quality post.