Sole Proprietorship or Partnership in Business


Active member
Sole proprietorship is a business that is owned and controlled by an individual who pays personal income tax on business profits.
A partner is a formal arrangement by two or more parties to manage and operate a business and share it's profits.
I prefer sole proprietorship to partnership because even though sole proprietorship has it's disadvantages, one person makes the decisions concerning the business and one person gets the income. The income is not shared among people like it is done in partnership.
Which of them do you prefer?
It depends on a large number of factors, like the type of business, investment and skills required. Hardworking webmasters, investors will usually prefer to start their online business alone, since it is difficult to find a partner who is hardworking and skilled like them. Most people prefer a job, since they get a regular salary for doing comparatively less work, while some proprietors long hours for very less money.
However, in some countries, proprietors who are not well connected, are victims of business, paypal account ownership fraud, with high status well connected frauds falsely claiming to own their paypal, bank account to get government jobs. Shockingly the largest tech and internet companies in some countries are the biggest supporters of the banking fraudster government employees, making it very difficult for the proprietor to get justice, end the banking fraud.

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