Start with the Basics


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The other day I am at the club getting ready to go work out. I am standing in the row of lockers talking to another guy. I hear a couple of kids come in behind me, but don't turn around. It is obvious from their conversation that they are about five and three years old and they are going to go swimming.

Suddenly the older boy says to the younger one in a scolding voice, "Joey, you have to take your shoes off before you take your pants off." I turn around and there is this three-year old sitting on the ground, trying to take his pants off over these huge waffle-stomper boots!

The guy I was talking to said, "That is good basic life instruction!"
I said, "I'm gonna use that for an article someday."

Indeed: Always take your shoes off before you take your pants off. It made me think about how we often try to get so sophisticated in our quest for success and personal growth but isn't it really true that all success begins with the basics? In fact, perhaps the struggles we have are because we have gotten away from the basics. With that in mind I gave some thought this week to the basics in a few areas. Here they are.


Always produce a good product

Be honest

Under-promise and over-deliver

Help people and money will come

Pay your people well


Put them first as they will be with you last

Treat your spouse like they are the most important person in the world - they are!

Give your kids more time than even you think that you should

Be sure to discipline your kids - they need boundaries

Take the time to create family memories