Surveys Survey is definitely not favorable to me


VIP Contributor
Survey doesn’t work for me considering the fact that I came from where survey is a least option to making money online. I hardly complete 3 surveys in a week and that makes it unattractive. I read testimonials of people on how they make a lot of money from surfing surveys but it’s the opposite for me or is there anyone in the tier 3 countries making money from surveys? If there is, i will be elated to learn from such person.
It is absolutely true survey site is not a favorable way to earn money online because most survey site are not promising at all although they may promise to pay a lot of money for doing a particular survey but you might end up not getting paid at all or even though you get paid it will be in little amount
Surveys are apparently not for everyone.....Your country determines how you get a survey and from which site you would get the surveys from. All those testimonials from people are real but people giving those testimonials are not from Africa, many of them are from the UK and The United States, so surveys favours them much.
It is absolutely true survey site is not a favorable way to earn money online because most survey site are not promising at all although they may promise to pay a lot of money for doing a particular survey but you might end up not getting paid at all or even though you get paid it will be in little amount
Most of the survey sites looks like a ponzi scheme to me. They succeed in collating your data , and when you have spend minutes answering questions, you got disqualified. It's a modern scam technique used to collate peoples data for selfish means. I have not seen a survey that works for me
Surveys are apparently not for everyone.....Your country determines how you get a survey and from which site you would get the surveys from. All those testimonials from people are real but people giving those testimonials are not from Africa, many of them are from the UK and The United States, so surveys favours them much.
I understand your point clearly, since they knew that the surveys are not useful to the tier 3 nations why allow us register in the first place . We should have been disqualified from the initial stage and we won't bother ourselves going their again. It should be clearly stated the countries they want response from.
I understand your point clearly, since they knew that the surveys are not useful to the tier 3 nations why allow us register in the first place . We should have been disqualified from the initial stage and we won't bother ourselves going their again. It should be clearly stated the countries they want response from.
I don't think most survey sites sets that kinds of barrier about who should participate or who should not participate, but there are always pre-surveys that takes you to the original surveys....So most people lie during this pre-surveys, and when they get to the original surveys,when your location gets exposed your are disqualified.
I don't think most survey sites sets that kinds of barrier about who should participate or who should not participate, but there are always pre-surveys that takes you to the original surveys....So most people lie during this pre-surveys, and when they get to the original surveys,when your location gets exposed your are disqualified.
I agreed that there are pre surveys which is used to detect ones legitimacy whether the survey is suitable or not. It's however important to note that 90% of them takes you the the surveys proper after completing the pre- survey as you have pointed out. Then when you are about reaching the completion, you will be cut off along the line.
I agreed that there are pre surveys which is used to detect ones legitimacy whether the survey is suitable or not. It's however important to note that 90% of them takes you the the surveys proper after completing the pre- survey as you have pointed out. Then when you are about reaching the completion, you will be cut off along the line.
See, I think if we want to debate on why surveys site do normally disqualified people from the third world countries we would be on this particular topic without an end to it. However, my advice is just to stay away from foreign surveys, maybe people should start trying surveys that are supported in their countries.
I have also experienced the same thing as you on those survey website. it can be very painful when you have wasted all your data to answer the survey questions only to get disqualify for the questions at the end of the day due to one wrong answer you choose. Having wasted my data and time on some of those surveys and see you later no get paid, that was the reason why I decided never to participate in any paid survey again.
I have also experienced the same thing as you on those survey website. it can be very painful when you have wasted all your data to answer the survey questions only to get disqualify for the questions at the end of the day due to one wrong answer you choose. Having wasted my data and time on some of those surveys and see you later no get paid, that was the reason why I decided never to participate in any paid survey again.
That's the way they all are my friend.... Even the ones that they said can work for Africans don't actually work. I have tried several African surveys which are supposed to be paying Africans still yet I still got disqualified, never earn any money there, just a waste of time and data. I think we should just avoid doing surveys for now, maybe they will be for us in the future.
if you're not in America and you are trying to make money with online surveys then you are definitely wasting your time. most of these websites or platforms or let me see the questionnaires always require people from tier 1 countries because most of them or most of their companies are located in those countries and they need the response from people patronizing them.
As I understand the poll, although it says that he wants to hear your opinion, but I think on the contrary, the poll wants exactly what you would answer correctly to the polls set, mostly these are rather positive answers, not negative ones, since there will be much more refusals than if you answer positively