The barriers of passive income

King bell

VIP Contributor
There are barriers to passive income, and we'll go over them so you can know what to expect. That way, you won't be discouraged by the process because you will have a better idea of what to do about it. Passive income is money that comes in from multiple sources, pretty much without any personal intervention on your part. It's the holy grail for business owners who want the freedom to go off and pursue whatever interests they please while still making bank . . .

Typically there are barriers that get in the way of passive income including things like an upfront investment or cost (or loss) of time. Some barriers are even money-driven. In the case of money-driven barriers, a business owner may have to spend a certain amount of money and time to get their passive income up and running. And in some cases, the barrier is not so much one of time or expense as it is the process itself.

For instance, to extract monthly passive income from your existing product might take one step too many that requires you to spend additional time on it or hire out the job. These are what we call business process barriers that either put you in a passive income deficit or make it impossible for you to focus on other interesting things as well.