The best part of a job interview.


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In my previous thread I absolutely emphasized and critically interpreted why job interviews are important in a business organisation , but now in this thread we will be discussing the best part of job interviews which every jobseeker should be mindful about and every business employers should be aware about . Some people believe that a job interview should be difficult because when it is difficult you are more likely to employ the best employees but to be sincere , that is not entirely true . Because even with a simple test you can employ the best , smart , creativity , and capable employees and workers . The best part of a job interview are these areas of practical questions , to answer practical questions in job interview you do not even need to be experienced because the questions and just practical and you must answer them practically . For example a business employer could ask a job applicant of seeker what he or she would have done if cost of production in the company increases , and although the job applicants may have never been a company owner but according to his common Sense and its ability to think practically he or she can answer this question practically .

The job applicants could answer by saying , "in such situation the best thing to do is to cut down cost on unnecessary business expenditure and spendings but rather send or channel all available monetary assets to the production of only goods and services which customers and clients are more likely to buy" .
There is an important part of a job interview that job applicant and jobseekers seems to always forget , and there is every possibility that this part of the job interview process can never be missed but make sure to be included when a job interview is actually going on between an employer and the job applicants . It is the section of practical questions that we are talking about here , and although you need to go to a job interview with your credentials and CV but yet you should not only do well on that for you to get employed into a business organisation or any organisation that all you intend to get employed in .

Practical and critical questions are usually asked by employers these days to their job seekers in order to hear in their own perspective how they would help in growing the business to reach greater and higher heights . In order to be ready for this practical questions you must endeavour to conduct your research and read all job interview manuals as speculated . Endeavour to ask each practical questions with a practical answer and not a single or quick answer .
Many students have being trained while they were in school, on how to prepare for interview in school or when seeking for a job at any firm, such training usually manifest when such child seek for job at a firm or any organization, their dressing and grooming is a very important part during an interview, imagine if someone one wore a tore jeans to an interview how would the employer view him in regards to the job he his trying to gain, he may think that the employee does not value the job he is seeking for.

When approaching matters he or she should be polite and free and select his choice of words so that his word would speak for him helping the employer see to it that such employee is ready to work, and he need to be Sociable to all, by putting a smile on this face when speaking because no employer would want to bring in someone who would bring his or business to it down fall but one that would keep the income booming.