The Signs that Shows Labor is Near

This is what many of us need to know and its very important.

This are the signs that shows that the Labor is near:

- Usually, a few days before labor begins, the baby moves lower in the womb.
This let's the mother breathe more easily, but she may need to urinate more often because of pressure on the bladder.( In the first birth these signs can appear up to 2 weeks before delivery.)

- A short time before the labor begins, some thick mucus ( jelly) may come out or some mucus may come out fit 2 or 3 days before labor begins. Sometimes it is tinted with blood. This is normal.

- The contractions ( sudden tightening of the womb) or labor pains may start up to several days before childbirth; at first a long time usually passes between contractions several minutes or even hours. When the contractions become stronger, regular, and more frequent, labor is beginning.

- Some women have a few practice contractions weeks before labor. This is normal. On rare occasions, a woman may have false labor. This happens when the contractions are coming strong and close together, but then stop for hours or days before childbirth actually begins. Sometimes walking or an enema will help calm the contractions if they are false or bring on child birth if they are real.
Even if it is a false labor, the contractions help to prepare the womb for labor.

- The bag of water that holds the baby in the womb usually breaks with a flood of liquid sometime after labor has begun. If the waters break, the mother should keep very clean. Walking back and forth may help bring on labor more quickly. If labor does not start within 12 hours, seek medical help.

I believe that you might have learn one thing or the other.
And what is your take about this?