These Facts About Cinnamon Will Interest You.


VIP Contributor
Cinnamon can serve as medicine, spice or flavor. It's of high efficacy. It's made up of antioxidants good for the body. Among the two types of Cinnamon (Cassia and Ceylon) Ceylon is more useful, but expensive.

Cinnamon is imported from China, Vietnam and Indonesia. It is rare in Nigeria especially Ceylon Cinnamon.

Health Benefits include:

Lowers the risk of having cancer
Helps in weight loss
Fights infection
Fresh breath
Reduces cold, cough and sore throat.
Lowers high blood pressure
Controls Diabetes.

You can use Cinnamon for the above health benefits and more, but not to abuse it as there will be side effects.


Active member
I completely agree with those fact you mentioned OP. You are correct about them. Though cinnamon might be scarce in Nigeria and some part of Africa but they are in abundance in countries such as India, Singapore china among others. Cinnamon are believed to be one of the most oldest spice in the planet, Generally, cinnamon are a spice which are made from the inner bark of cinnamommum tree. One of the uses of this popular tree is for the preparation of, curries, dishes.

They are filled with various medicinal properties, Studies shows that after black pepper, cinnamon is the second most popular spice in the world. Cinnamon are highly rich in antioxidant which is beneficial for the health, eating cinnamon can also helps to lower the risk of occurrence of diseases. Cinnamon in the same vein also comprises some medicinal properties such as anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, anti diabetic, and anti microbial among others. and they all helps the body fight against cancers, infections, cardiovascular diseases and other related health condition. Below are some health benefits of consuming cinnamon;

1. It can relieves you form menstrual pain and cramps

2. Cinnamon can helps to prevent some certain cancer

3. Consuming cinnamon can enhance your memory

3. They aids weight loss.

4. Consuming cinnamon can reduce your blood sugar level and your blood pressure.
