This is the Reason you get Neck Pain


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This is the Reason you get Neck Pain:

There will be times when you suffer from neck pain. At times, neck pain can be caused by not sitting straight, or standing in the right position, and also by not keeping the neck straight when watching programs on television and working on computer screens. The neck is an important part of our body.

All the nerves from the brain to the body come through the spinal space that starts in the neck. The nerves that go to the hands are very important. A similar set of nerves come to the legs. These two sets of nerves are the most important. The neck is very soft.

The gap between the nerves is small. So, when you keep your neck in an abnormal position or posture, those nerves will be compressed. Even the most important vertebral part in the human body starts from the neck and goes downwards. If the sitting and standing positions are not correct, then the spinal area may also be affected.