This Is What You Don't Know About Your Health


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Although you need to be wealthy in life especially at your old stage but how do you manage your health, some people only maintain the fiscal appearance while millions of people neglect the engine room. And if you ask them, they would said its cause by their daily activities.

Your body system is an engine room or power house which refers to our state of physical, mental and social well-being of an individual not merely the absence of disease or disability. That's why our health is been divided into 3 zones that called zones of live.

1. Vibrant zone is a stage of our life that range from 0 to 25 years of age people that falls into this category are very active they can play for money tonight without getting tired.

2. Tired zone this is another type of zones that range from 26 to 50 years of age, these are the working class they loose about 10,000 cells everyday out of 73 trillions of cells in our body because they are cells are getting weaker everyday.

3. Sick zone this is another category of people that range from 51 and above or till death comes people that fall into this category their cells are worn out they normally complain from one disease to another, this is where our Grandma and Grandpa for into but according to who people that fall into category of tired and sick zone car also by brands if they follow the world called ACRONYM RED.