Tips That Can Help You To fight Depression.

How To Fight Depression

Depression sounds ordinary but however is a severe issue that considerably men and women of the world are enduring every now and then!

Depression normally begins with unrest and turns out to destroy your life by every reasonable means. This Costs you stamina decreases your self-esteem and withdrawals you from activities, these are some signs that a depressed person suffers in the early phase. when a person is depressed, exiting becomes a difficult task.

If living has become a difficult task for you then these tips will help you revive again. these tips are:

• Avoid solitude.
depressed people always like staying on their own, which makes them avoid any gathering, which is a serious situation, not to fall prey to this, you have to work on it by always attending a friendly gathering that involves close friends and family with positive vibes.

• Anger (know what turns you off)

Anger always comes with the feeling of hurt, managing a state of anger is always difficult because it caps your sense of reasoning, that's why you need to take note of the things that turn you off and learn means to control it, some tips are taking chill water or holding water in your mouth for a while, moving away from the source, listening to music or seeing a movie, or going out to take fresh air, if any of this solution can calm you then you have done a good job for yourself.

• keep up with activities and be active always.

Being depressed is a lot of stress already, so allowing anxiety to set in makes you want to be alone at all times, so make sure you are always active, in any activities surrounding you, don't avoid people, and try and recreate any memory that brings you happiness.

• Watch entertaining Events (Movies, Comedy and Tv shows. etc).
Happiness is everything and laughter can always keep you in that state, doing funny things have a way of giving you happiness. so entertaining yourself by watching funny shows helps bring a smile to your face, this will help you fight tensions around you, also there are some childish activities that can help, recreate your childhood sweet memories.

• Avoid Guilty feelings

Depression gives you a guilty feeling and also makes you feel bad for feeling bad, funny right yeah you know that feeling of not wanting to feel bad but your feeling bad. depressions always births anxiety and stress that's what brings about these bad feels at all times. learn to share what you are going through with people that love you because it lifts a lot of burden from your shoulder.

• Book a Therapist session
when you try out all these tips and none works for you, then you have a huge problem, the best solution is to consult a therapist.

• Conclusion
In as much as there are many remedies, coming out of depression, is only possible when the person involved is devoted and has the zeal to move past it. so the remedy taking effect lies solely on your hand.


VIP Contributor
Depression is a common mental disorder that causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest in daily activities. It can be very painful and scary, and if you have it, you are not alone. About 16 million American adults suffer from depression each year.

Depression is an illness that affects 1 in 100 people in the UK. It’s a serious condition that can have a devastating impact on those who suffer from it. If you’re suffering from depression, you’re not alone. Here are some tips that might help you to fight depression and live your best life. Recognize the symptoms of depression and reach out for help. Depression isn’t just feeling sad, it also comes with feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, anxiety and irritability. If you’re experiencing these feelings for more than two weeks, try to see a specialist.


VIP Contributor
Depression could be heartbreaking ailment. I think that there are various ways to address the problem of depression. One of the most basic things a person needs to do is understanding what is causing the depression in the first place. Understanding the actual problem can help us try to find the right kind of solution for the problem. Here are a few ways to treat depression:-

1) Therapy

Utilizing the right kind of therapy is also a great way to treat depression. I think this is what a professional mental health expert could do. Therapy includes joining programs or groups that help patients to deal with depression.

2) Medication

Medications can help a lot to get rid of depression symptoms. Moreover, using the right combination of medication is also very important for the patient. There are many medications that might help a patient and a doctor might decide what kind of medicine is the right for their patient.

3) Socializing

Socializing is one of the most effective ways to deal with the problems caused by depression. Most of the times, many depression patients often remain alone and this could make the problems worst for them. Social interaction could provide huge relief for patients suffering from depression because socializing helps to divert the attention of patients.


VIP Contributor
Most depressed cases are self inflicted, because the patients tends to compare themselves with each other and when they can't match up they feel sad and down and they get overrun by depression.

In one of your tips you mentioned they should avoid solitude(depressed patients) what if they're introverts and they don't like mingling with people?

The only mental problem I recognize is PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) which is real and relatable.

To avoid depression and feeling sad or guilty, give your life a meaning, don't follow or keep up with the trend, set your own trend, live your life and have a goal you're aiming at, you need to be immersed in yourself and your own improvement because no one cares about save for your family(relative).

Do something new and challenge yourself, have something going on for you, don't be idle by spending your whole day on social media checking out other people's life and what they're doing.

Quit doing that and focus on yourself 100% and you'll never have to worry about other people and what they do, depression will never near you talk less of afflicting you.


VIP Contributor
There is the threat of depression in me due to the tragedy that I experienced. I agree that being alone is not good and better if there is someone that I can talk to most of the time. Unfortunately we are in the pandemic era and being with other people is not common anymore. Sometimes I get some messages in my Facebook account and that helps me. With anger, I had a slight altercation with an arrogant neighbor about the noise that they create. She got mad at me for complaining and that reaction was uncalled for. Although I did not say a word when she started yelling with her replies but deep inside me I was angry. That was last week and I have finally come to terms that some people are really impossible and it is best to just ignore and forget the incident. Depression is like a disease that attacks us inside.