Top 2 ways to get pimples off your face


VIP Contributor
You might have been struggling with stubborn acne that has refused to go. It can be frustrating that you are using some products but it isn’t shifting. You might just have to drop the products and try these 2 natural items


Garlic has in it anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties so you can use it to fight your pimples. Add more of it to your diet to boost your immune system to fight the infections and inflammation caused by acne


This is one great antioxidant that can clear debris and waste from any clogged pores. Honey contains wound-healing and antibacterial properties. So you can take advantage of this by dropping it on your face and wash it off with warm water

I have used them myself and there were effective. So you can try them out too
This may surprise you but my remedy for pimples is the pillow. Use a pillow case that is soft and sleek like silk. Most of the cases of pimples are due to the rough pillow case that irritates the skin. Take note that you use the pillow for 8 hours or so. That is a long time for the skin to be irritated. Try a silken pillow case and the pimples will vanish.