Two Money Saving Techniques Every College Student Should Try


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College is an exciting time in anyone's life. It's a time to make new friends, explore new interests if you have any, and begin the journey towards a career. it's also a time when money can be super tight, and you need to find ways to save money wherever you can. As a college student, you want to make the most of your experience without breaking the bank or relying on your parents for support. That's why I want to share with you two money-saving techniques that every college student should try and see if they'd work for them.

1- Taking Advantage of Student Discounts
One of the easiest ways to save money as a college student is to take advantage of student discounts. Many companies offer discounts to students who show their student ID, I remembered as a college student I saved a lot of money when I wanted to open Github pro account just because I am a student. you can save money on everything from textbooks etc, so be sure to ask about student discounts wherever you go.

2- Use Cashback Apps
Another great money-saving technique for college students is to use cashback apps. These apps allow you to earn cashback on purchases you make at certain retailers, both in-store and online this is for basically people in first world countries. You can earn anywhere from 1-10% cashback on purchases, and the money can be deposited directly into your bank account or sent as a gift card. which can help you i doing other stuffs.

In conclusion, college can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. because by taking advantage of student discounts and using cashback apps, you can save money on everything from textbooks to even clothes by leveraging cash back. be proactive in your search for savings, and be open to negotiate.