Ways to Know Your Safe Period


VIP Contributor
Do you want to know when you're at your safest during your menstrual cycle?
There are a few ways to know your safe period:

1.Cervical mucus method
2. Basal body temperature method
3. Calendar method
4. Ovulation predictor kit
5. Lactational amenorrhea

Due to the limitation of this thread, I will discuss only Ovulation, Calendar method and Cervical Mucus method.

Ovulation: You're most fertile when you ovulate during your menstrual cycle, which means that the egg is able to be fertilized. Ovulation typically happens around day 14 of a 28-day cycle, but it can vary from person to person and month-to-month. It's also very difficult to know exactly when you ovulate.

Calendar Method: If you have a regular menstrual cycle and know how long it is, you can use the calendar method to approximate your safe period. Just subtract 16 days from the length of your shortest menstrual cycle, and then subtract another 5 days from the length of your longest cycle. The days between these two numbers are approximately when you are at your safest in your menstrual cycle.

Cervical Mucus Method: During periods of fertility, cervical mucus becomes clear and stretchy like raw egg white. When cervical mucus becomes watery—or after menstruation—you're at a lower risk for pregnancy.

However, the reality of life is, there is no safe period without contraceptives or abstinence. These methods worked for people but failed them in the long run probably due to negligence or some sort.