Website Domain Selection


VIP Contributor
Domain selection plays a major role in SEO. It is the first thing that search engines look at when determining how to rank your website. The .com top level domain (TLD) is the most popular and most recognizable TLD available, which means it will help you rank higher than if you had a different TLD.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If your site is about a specific topic or local community and that specific topic or community has its own TLD, then it may be worthwhile to use that TLD instead of .com because people searching for that specific topic or community will be more likely to find it on the search engine results page (SERP). People's choice matters as well. So many are used to .com bacause it is common compared to .ng and others, so people will always type .com first for a site URL they are not well familiar with before typing any other. However, Keywords still matter when it comes to SEO, irrespective of your domain.