What are the most effective traditional ways of advertising?


VIP Contributor
My cousin who is an executive of an advertising agency said that the billboard is the best advertising medium especially if it is installed along the avenue or boulevard. Many can see the ads on the billboards that can effectively send the message which is the marketing of the business or a specific product.
The ads on the newspaper is the second in the list. The vast majority are still reading the newspaper whether it is the printed newspaper or the online version. That means the ads on the newspapers are also seen by many.

The tarpaulin that is a smaller version of the billboard is also effective but it is usually installed in the secondary streets or inside villages. So far the tarp or poster is still popular with the small and local businesses here.


VIP Contributor
I think billboards in public places are the most effective method of traditional advertising. This is also one of the low-cost advertising methods because it cost less to advertise on billboard compared to running ads on TV or newspapers. Billboards can be placed anywhere in the city where people gather in large numbers.


VIP Contributor
I think bill board in the public places is the most effective traditional marketing method. For example, you can display your ad on a billboard on a bus stand, where hundreds of thousand people wait for bus every day. Displaying banner in malls is also effective because malls also have a large customer base.