Get Paid to Write What can I do to start with article writing and get paid?


New member
Bloggers who create their own website and write regularly eventually can build a huge following of people who like their content.

Once you have an established blog/website you can monetise it with either advertising or by using other people’s products (affiliate marketing).

Ultimately blogging can give you a passive income through sales you make or advertising revenue. But to get to this point means spending a lot of time writing content and not being paid for it. Over time as your audience grows, you can start to generate an income which can grow.

If you want immediate income, you’re probably better off finding people who want content written for them. Go freelance and become a content creator. Use sites like fiverr and upwork to source jobs.

Alternatively you could do both: build your own website for a longer term goal of passive income and write for other people in the mean time to earn more immediate income.

Have a look at my ebook which explains the process of writing on a blog to generate income:

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