What does a competitor need to bear in mind


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In business they are both monopoly type of business and competitive type of business, the monopoly are those that sell goods in higher price due to the fact that they are the only ones selling such product at that location, while this is different from the competitors because as the name implies they business involve group of person each working hard to make sales on a particular product the are selling, the may be in the same location and all working hard to make sales.

But as a competitor one does not need to do things just to suit his ego but he need to act smart so that others won't over take him very easily.

As a competitor he or she need to bear in mind the type of product his clients are always asking for and make sure such product is not out if stock, and most time ha need to buy some goods in variety because his client may ask for them, so he need to be prepared at all times.


A competition is to bear in mind that he is not the only one dealing on that same goods and so therefore the manner in which he or she approaches are customers always matters in a business. And also the manner or way in which he or she attaches his price tags to the commodity matters because when the prices are higher discounts care customers or clients in purchasing such a goods. And when the purchasing power of the consumer is low this can affect his or her business as a competitor in. So therefore a computer to should always be mindful in terms of the consumers write his goods and services are also his fellow competitors. Everybody's aim in a business is to make money and so therefore he should also view other competitors as people striving to make money not as people trying to take over his or her business because if he or she has such thought it can lead to other negative actions which can bring unnecessary consequences