What Great Managers Do Differently


VIP Contributor
Great managers have a number of qualities that differentiate them from their peers:

1.They have a clear vision and strategy for the future direction of their organization. A great manager can clearly articulate what they want to accomplish, and how they will do it. They know where they want to go and what steps they need to take in order to get there.

2.They are committed to managing their people effectively, so that they can reach their goals and deliver the results their customers expect. Great managers understand that it is not enough just to set goals and objectives; they must also provide detailed instructions on how those goals should be achieved — from developing organizational policies, procedures and standards to training employees on how to deliver exceptional customer service.

3.They build trust by being trustworthy themselves, which includes acting ethically at all times — both in personal relationships with coworkers and customers alike as well as in business dealings with vendors or other suppliers or partners such as banks or investors who may hold financial stakes in the company's success or failure — as well as setting a good example for others in the organization who may be tempted by unethical behavior if given the opportunity.