What is fatigue?


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One may feel worn out, exhausted, uninspired, indifferent, drowsy, have little to no energy, or be intellectually exhausted when they are fatigued.
People get tired for a variety of reasons, and it's possible that they are simply reacting in a natural way to things like physical activity, lack of sleep, and stress.

Fatigue brought on by cancer differs from regular fatigue.
It typically manifests more quickly, is more tiring, lasts longer, and can seriously interfere with a person's daily activities and quality of life.
Fatigue is a common complaint in the workplace, and can be a source of stress for employees. Fatigue is the result of your body's response to physical or mental exertion.

The human body needs rest and sleep to function optimally. When you're tired, it's because your body has expended more energy than it can recover over a short period of time.

Fatigue can be caused by working long hours on the job or taking part in strenuous activities. It can also be caused by stress, illness, and other factors that reduce your ability to get restful sleep.

Fatigue may be apparent as a general sense of exhaustion or feeling run down; it may include symptoms such as headache, muscle aches, irritability, poor concentration, memory loss, mood swings and depression.
Fatigue is a normal feeling after long hours of working, having less sleep and thinking too much. That is why taking.a break is a must daily. You must have some hours of sleep even on those days that you go for nightshift.

Fatigue can present itself in form of yawning a lot, feeling paid in your muscles, a mild headache and poor concentration. At this point, it can be so hard to keep working. If you decide to dig deeper into work, you will experience both mental and physical symptoms of fatigue.

Stress always has a way of making fatigue to be excess. Stress can be both physical - doing so much work, or mental - thinking of so many things together with feelings such as fear, anxiety and anger.

When you are sick too, you need to rest more because fatigue will be more present. That is why sick people are given a bed rest.