What Is Personal Finance and Why Is It Necessary?


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Amidst the economic slowdown we are experiencing, personal income and salary continue to provide us with financial power to purchase basic goods and services. In lieu of the fact that the national economy is actually not doing well, the need to apply principles of finance in managing our monetary resources has tremendously increased. Personal financing pertains to the strategic planning and management of earning, saving, spending, and budgeting the financial aspect of a person or a family taking into consideration the aggregate expenses deducted from the income and the needed savings to adequately address future events that require spending. Inflation, jobs, and the entire economy are still unstable resulting to unpredictability of increases in the prices of basic commodities, available jobs, and household income. With these in mind, it is a matter of great necessity that every person strategically plans and manages one's financial gain and expenditure in providing a better lifestyle and in preparing for future risks and spending.

Market fluctuations seem to be a trend in the world economy nowadays. No one can really have a guarantee that his or her present earnings will still be enough in the future. In a country under financial distress, one is not guaranteed that he or she remains employed in the next days or months. Worst is, if some unfortunate event happens and it would require huge spending to see it through, it would probably deplete everything the person or family has. To be secured financially, personal finance must be had to address current monetary obligations such as debts and prepare the future. Personal finance involves long term planning. Other than ensuring that the current bills are paid and that the present lifestyle is maintained.