What is the Causes of Night Blindness and Xerosis in Children?


VIP Contributor
Night blindness can usually occur as a result of Vitamin A Deficiency.

This eye disease is most common in children between the age of 2 to 5 years. It comes from not eating enough foods that contain vitamin A. If not recognize d and treated early, it can make the child blind.

Signs that show that one have Night blindness:

- At first, the child may gave night blindness. H cannot see as well in he dark as other people can.

- Then the cornea may quickly grow soft, bulge , or even burst. Usually there is no pain . Blindness may result from infection, scarring, or other damage.

- As the disease get worse, the cornea also becomes dry and dull, and may develop little pits.

- patches of little grays bubbles may firm in the eyes.

-Xerosis often begins, or gets wire , when a child is sick with another illness like diarrhea, whooping cough or measles. Examine the eyes of all sick and underweight children.

Prevention and Treatment:
Xerosis can easily be prevented by eating food that contain vitamin A. Do the following:

- The baby should be Breast feed up to 2 years, if possible.

- After the first 6 months, begin giving the child food rich in vitamin A, such as red palm oil, mango, pawpaw or dark green leafy vegetables.

- If the cornea is seen to be building , protect the eyes with a bandage, and get medical help urgently.

- In communities where Xerophthalmia is common, give 200, 000 unites of vitamin A once every 6 months to women who are breast feeding, and also to pregnant women during the second half of pregnancy.

WARNING: Too much vitamin A is poisonous. Do not give more than the amount advised by the Doctor.

Dark green leafy vegetables, and yellow or orange fruits and vegerables, prevent blindness in children.