What is the Causes of Swelling of the Feet and other parts of the Body?


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Swelling of the feet may be caused by a number of different problems, some minor and others more serious. But if the face or other parts of the body are also swollen, this is usually a sign of serious illness .

Women's feet sometimes swell during the last three months of pregnancy.
This is usually not serious. It is caused by the weight of the child that presses on the veins coming from the kegs in a way that limits the flow of blood . However, if the woman's hands and face also swell. She feels dizzy , has problems seeing, or does not pass much urine, she may be suffering from poisoning or toxemia if pregnancy. Seek medical hell fast.

Old people who spend a lit of time sitting or standing in one place often get swollen feet because if poor circulation. However. Swollen feet in order persons may also be due to heart trouble or, less commonly, kidney disease.

Swelling of the feet in small children may result from anemia or malnutrition. In severe cases the face and hands may also become swollen.

To reduce swelling treat the sickness that causes it. Use little or no salt in food. Herbal read that make people urinate a lot usually help.

What causes swelling of the Feet and other parts of the Body?