Crypto What is your take on Airdrops? Scam or Legit?


Active member
I have joined several AirDrops in the past few weeks and all of them promised to give out free coins with over 60$ to all their users. I was fascinated by that and I quickly registered. I fulfilled all the necessary tasks only to have been fooled.

It was a waste of time. I don't know how to recognize any real AirDrops. Besides, are there any real Airdrops out there?


Valued Contributor
There are real airdrops out there, but being able to identify them is kind of tasky as most are scams and you can even miss the legit ones thinking they are scams like the other ones. The minidoge airdrop made some individuals to earn up to $800 after they received it.


VIP Contributor
There are real airdrops but the payout is very small and doesn't look encouraging. It's pertinent to note that many of them are scams. Before I register on airdrops, I must have seen one or two people who have benefited from it. It's a precaution to avoid being scammed by these airdrops. Their hub is telegram , where they perpetrate illicit act.


VIP Contributor
Airdrops are definitely not a scam, but it is true that a lot of crypto currency projects scam people through Airdrops. Airdrop is a free distribution of tokens for user activities, but some scammers charge money for joining airdrops and ultimately scam people. If you find airdrop asking for money, that's a scam.


VIP Contributor
I think I have participated in a lot of airdrops and all of them have been worthless and of no value cos I did not make anything reasonable from them. Infact, some airdrops are scam, they ask you to send them Ethereum inorder to get the worthless coins or airdrops they are dishing out. So we should be extra careful with telegram airdrops.