What you should know about Ethereum


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What you should know about the Ethereum platform
Surely you have heard about this digital platform, this time I will explain what it is and how it has evolved.
Based on what I have been researching, this project has gained great popularity in recent years, including large banks around the world such as; UBS, BARCLAYS or the French bank BNP Paribas have shown interest in this platform.
I will briefly comment on its origin, which began to develop at the end of 2013 and was presented for the first time in 2014 and finally in 2015 it was programmed and executed, its founders are Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood.

Something you should know is that Ethereum is not properly a cryptocurrency: the word ethereum refers to the digital platform. The currency itself is called Ether.
Its technology is very similar to that of Bitcoin; However, there is a difference between the two and that is that bitcoin only uses a specific application of blockchain technology through an electronic cash system that allows online payment with bitcoins. While the ethereum blockchain tracks ownership of digital currency, it also enables the execution of programming code from a number of decentralized applications. Is it interesting right?

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