When last you visit a doctor?


VIP Contributor
We most time erroneously believe that we need doctor, whenever we are sick or down. That's why you hardly see people seeing doctors for medical checkup.

I am also a victim of this. In fact, I have gone several years without visiting a doctor just because I don't have any sickness symptom other than normal fatigue. Then I concluded, I don't need a doctor.

An apple a day, says the adage, may be sending a doctor away, we still need to be seeing doctors if not regularly but often times to know our health status.

Visiting doctors will let us identify sicknesses on time and give us clues on how to protect and prevent ourselves against sickness and disease. As your cars don't need to break down before you do some preventive care, that's how we don't need to develop a serous sickness before we visit doctors.
We doctors interpretation at least once in every month as the case maybe. We might be lucky enough that we aren't struck with deadly diseases that makes us to be unfit, and unable to do work online or offline. Some people neglected their health and doing other stuffs feeling unconcerned. But they never knew they've been suffering long time dreaded disease that caused them damages beyond control. I pray it shouldn't be our portion, but we need doctors check up to know our health status just as the poster recommended.
Pardon me for this comment because I am averse to medical checkup. As long as I am not feeling anything strange then I do not have to visit the doctor. Enjoying life is my primary concern. When there is a problem with the medical tests then I will be prescribed of medication which I may not really need. My last checkup was 5 years ago. Fortunately they found nothing wrong.
I have not visited a doctor for more than 2 years. I regularly go for different kinds of blood tests (I do this by visiting the lab directly) in order to see if my body is healthy. Most of the diseases are spotted through blood tests. I was perfectly healthy until Covid got me about 8 weeks ago. But I managed to survive without going to hospital
It's always good to know ones health conditions. It's not until we breakdown, that we will visit the hospital. Normally, some do self medication which is totally against the health ethics. I do self medication too because I have studied my body system very well and I know when to use drugs when the need arise.
Personally I do not really visit the doctor all the time and I can't even remember the last time I visited a doctor but what I do is that I carry out a lot of test to understand more about myself ,most of the test are always for malaria and typhoid and sometimes any other infection in the body I could even think of .
It was quite long I visited a doctor in his office. I only communicate with a friend who is a doctor on WhatsApp. That is the problem with most of us. We don't think of visiting doctor on the something gravious happening to our health. Over here we believe that only people with acute sickness should visit the doctor. You forgot that it is very important to do regular medical check-up.
It is very advisable to always visit the doctor for medical check-up at least once in three months so as to know the state of your health the nutrient you need to include in your diet and also to know if there is any disease in the body that need to be taken care of fast before deteriorating
Though as I am at the moment when am not feeling any pain in the body or when I don't feel anything is happening to me I don't visit the doctor.but I advise you go for check up to know the state and condition of the body.its good to see the doctor
These days it is very risky to visit a doctor because of Corona Virus pandemic. I have not visited a doctor in the last 2 years, however, in normal time I would be visiting doctor every 4 months just to make sure everything inside my body is ok. However I do take tele-medicine advice.
Though some people have given cogent reasons why they are not visiting doctors. The reasons may be right especially for those that don't visit for the fear of contracting Corona virus disease but we need to know that self medication is not advisbable. We still need to see the doctors to know the sickness we may be having