Which Is Fastest Theme For Niche Website?


VIP Contributor
Loading speed is one of the rank insignia on Google search engine for all websites. Your website will rank higher on Google search engine for the targeted keywords if it has fast loading speed.

I got to know about this when I use some plugins on my website that will clear the cache.

The loading speed of my website increases from 30 seconds to 5 seconds. And I was able to rank high for some of the targeted keywords on Google.

I was reading it somewhere that theme used on your website can also determine the loading speed. So it is good to use fast loading theme on websites.

Can anyone recommend a theme that will help my website to load faster on Google search engine?


VIP Contributor
I can't tell you which is the fastest loading theme for your niche website, however, I think you can do google search to find out "fastest loading themes for niche websites." You will have to use light weight themes, these themes load faster. However, the problem with lightweight theme is they do not offer a lot of features. In order to improve your website loading speed from 30 seconds to 5 seconds, you need to remove unused or less used plugins, use small size images, or optimize your uploaded images by using smush plugin. You also need to limit the usage of embedded content.