Why do some companies betray their loyal customers who are not well connected?


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Some larger internet companies will take money from loyal customers who are not well connected and then falsely tell the government and others that some other well connected person has paid the money and is their customer to get the well connected person government jobs at the expense of their customer. The well connected person, often a housewife or student is not interested in legally purchasing domains, web hosting, starting and managing a website spending their time, yet the internet company will make fake claims while criminally defaming their loyal customers. Initially the customer who is from a poor and powerless community does not realize that the internet company is betraying, cheating and exploiting them, when they realize that they are being cheated, they are forced to change their vendor.
Do internet or other companies betray their loyal customers in a similar manner in your country, take money from one person and falsely claim that someone else was their customer?
I don't really understand the thread but the rave of the moment in the business world makes very convenient for big whales to easily step on toes of the small investors. This is what is obtainable world-wide and it's not peculiar to the Internet businesses alone. It caught across all ramifications of life.
Can you clarify why business conditions are making it easier for large companies to harm small businesses, do they do it intentionally since they are aware that they have a better brand name, more money and more clout with government agencies. What can the small business do prevent the fraud of large companies?
No matter how this may look like it is important to know that it is illegal and if these countries are located in a sane country that value the integrity of customers then they are very likely to face sanctions .as a business owner you should always try to be legit in your dealings.
Connected as in being online or knowing people who are in high rank or post.some company can be very funny in terms of how they treat their customers.i think they give some of them in the right way while some are treated wrongly especially if they don't know the manager or the production personnel in such a company
These larger companies are connected to the security and intelligence agencies so almost no one has the courage to complain openly. Another smaller company also told me that the life of a large number of customer of the big company was destroyed in a mysterious manner after they started doing business with them.
By this way there are many risks where company is exposed to do, for example a policeman after getting testimonials of people will pretend that he is a client wearing as a casual person and then by detect this fraud then company doing like this will be closed as police has the full proof of illegal activity, that is what happens on such cases.