Why do we say passive income is lucrative?


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Passive income is considered lucrative because it is income that is earned with little or no ongoing effort, allowing an individual or business to generate revenue even while they are not actively working. This can provide a sense of financial security, as well as freedom to pursue other interests or opportunities. Additionally, passive income streams can often grow over time and compound, leading to potentially significant wealth creation.

Passive income can come from a variety of sources, such as rental properties, dividend-paying stocks, interest from savings accounts, or royalties from a book or music. The key characteristic of passive income is that it is earned without the need for ongoing active involvement, allowing the individual to earn money even while they are not actively working. This can be especially valuable in today's economy, where job security can be uncertain and it can be difficult to save enough money to provide for a comfortable retirement.
Another aspect that make Passive income lucrative is it helps to diversify the income stream, it is not relying on one source of income and provide more stability to the person's income, making it less likely to be affected by changes in one's primary job or industry.
Passive income can also be used as a way to generate savings, which can be invested in further income-producing assets, creating a cycle of wealth creation. While passive income streams can take time and effort to set up initially, they can provide a significant long-term return on investment.