Why it important toManaging a business


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The are many business we have and each of them have profit and lost, so managing a business we need to put in our all in order to achieve success, so we need to know our main target and achieve at a given point in time.
No business is easy to manage either large scale or small scale business, all is needed is a good capital to start up and a large space or location, remember there are many business and when starting a business we should consider that what our client need by buying for the best product that would either last longer or look attractive the, our prize of product should not always be at the higher range but we should try to balance our prize of product, in most are prize of product that are lower are sold faster Than huge or higher price product so price is also important when considering starting up a business.
Competition could slow sake of product because we are surrounded by people are engage in same business and they too want to make profit so this is another point to consider when staring up a business, and knowing the bes quality product would make one stand out from others.
Your points are direct and clear and another point a business owner should have in mind is understanding the demand and supply concepts. Why is because better understanding of the law of demand and supply it will help you know the amount of goods you should produce at a particular period of time and also it will help you observe and give careful consideration to the factors that may affect the goods that you should produce at a particular period of time. Like you said earlier no business is easy either small scale businesses or large-scale business is on is required is being able to start up a business with a good capital this is the most crucial part of starting up a business with the a large-scale business or a small scale business. Another factor is management many businesses has closed down because of poor management that have been rendered on it. So it is vital and important that a business owner have the idea of managing the business he owns. Thanks for bringing up such points.