Why mining Bitcoinreal is superior to mining Bitcoin?


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Bitcoin mining information
A peer-to-peer computer process called mining is used to secure and verify transactions involving digital currency. The first Bitcoin transaction occurred on January 21, 2009, in terms of transactions. Each day, nearly 3400 bitcoins are created. 14000 computers were used to perform this mining in the past. However, when comparing the average cost of mining per coin, Bitcoin will be more expensive than Bitcoinreal.

Real-world Bitcoin mining statistics
The stability of Bitcoinreal's economic value is maintained by its daily release of 5000 new coins. The same number of computers will also be used by Bitcoinreal, i.e.

Bitcoinreal unlocks 5000 new coins daily for the stability in terms of economic value. Bitcoinreal will also use same number of computers i.e. 14000 that are being used for mining of coins. With constant number of computers been used for mining, the average cost of mining per coin for bitcoinreal goes down drastically as the coin supply of bitcoinreal is almost 4x when compared with bitcoin. Hence, the average cost of mining per coin of Bitcoinreal is cheaper than that of Bitcoin.

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