Why the Web3.0 is a blockchain-based internet


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The web3.0 is the future of the internet. It will be decentralized because it will be built on the blockchain technology . In this new generation of Internet, the users will have control of their data through decentralized applications. There is high level of privacy and it will give us more securied and private user experiences, with numerous business opportunities.

we must not disputes the fact that the blockchain technology is gradually making way into the various aspects of our lives and this is a major fact that we could not dispute. It is obviously the next generation of the internet that is blockchain-based. It provides decentralized protocol for all internet activities

Most of the Internet major players, may lose their stand on the internet if the web3.0 fully take it course, because it is very obvious that this blockchain-based internet will take over the future of the internet. It is very obvious that the way 3.0 is the latest internet technology that will give content creators enough opportunities to make money on the internet and it will increase content privacy. The blockchain technology is probably one of the best technology in history because it has uses in all works of life.