Why we must give attention to the order of our fart.


VIP Contributor
Although it feels embarrassing and unwholesome to fart , we must understand that the act of farting is healthy and it simply portrays that our digestive system is actually at work and is effectively breaking down food making it ready for excretion . You might be wondering how is fart build up in the body , well in the course of eating , grinding and chewing food and other food related items we unknowingly swallow air and this air do not just diminish inside the body rather it is released in the process of farting . Doctors and health analysts have always tell individual not to hold in their fart so as not to build necessary pressure and incomfortability in our digestive systems .

But are all fart just fart , absolutely no . The odour of our fart is one thing that must be put into consideration . If a fart is too smelly and pungent in order it definitely means that the individual is not drinking enough water because a normal fart will smell for less 30 seconds and any extension to this time simply means an individual is dehydrated and must drink water to stay hydrated so as to aid the work of our digestive systems for easy waste product production and removal .
Yes I heard about this from someone, the smell of our farts determine how healthy our digestive system is. Though I have not been able to observe this, but there is one I am very sure of, for those who eat eggs alot, if your fart smells like rotten eggs, that means your body is not digesting the eggs properly.