Why Would Drinking Warm Water While Hungry Be a Good Idea?


Drinking a warm glass of water while you're starving is a pretty smart move, especially when you're trying to lose weight.

It seems counterintuitive: Why would drinking something that feels so good make your body feel worse? But it's actually a great way to help your body regulate its metabolism and keep it from getting out of whack as you try to shed pounds.

When you're hungry, your body starts using up stored fat and muscle to provide energy. Over time, this can lead to muscle loss and a weakening of the immune system both of which can contribute to weight gain later in life. The good news is that drinking a warm glass of water will help slow down your metabolism so that it doesn't get out of control while you're trying to lose weight. It'll also help keep your immune system strong, which will make it easier for you to bounce back from any sicknesses or infections that come your way during this stressful time!