Wix Vs Shopify - What's the Difference?


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Wix Vs Shopify - What's the Difference?​

Many new online business owners wonder if Wix Vs Shopify is a comparison worth doing. Both are similar in many ways, and both have had successful launch efforts. Overall, Wix and Shopify are fairly evenly matched in several areas; both score a respectable 4.7 stars from five reviews. But which one you choose really depends on your individual needs, your business size, your technological know-how, and your personal budget, to name a few.

Both Wix and Shopify offer a free web hosting service with each package. This means that each Wix platform has the ability to host a regular store, a blog platform, a shopping cart program, and the storefront software that you need. Shopify does not offer this same amount of functionality, nor does it offer the same level of user-friendliness, however, it does have several helpful features such as email integration, coded application programming, and detailed website building instructions. Wix does not have quite the same amount of user friendliness, but it does have its own advantages. Wix's simplicity is one of its biggest charms, while Shopify's lack of bells and whistles makes it seem more complicated.
Wix vs Shopify

Both platforms allow you to add social networking features such as blogs, articles, photos, and more through their blogging tools. Blog posts can be updated via RSS, blog posts can be published directly to your WordPress site, and you can even post them to your Facebook page as well. Shopify does have its own blog platform, but it is very limited compared to the other two platforms. If you are looking for a blog platform that allows you to publish more information, become more technologically savvy, and has more features than your basic website, then you should definitely consider shoplifting.

Another advantage it has over Shopify is that it does not offer a fully integrated blogging program. WordPress has taken blogging to a whole new level, where you can customize and create your own blog posts, make the content visible to all your friends, and share them with everyone else on the internet. With Wix, you will only be able to publish blog posts to your personal WordPress account. You won't be able to publish them on your customer's accounts or social networking profiles. This can limit your ability to spread your knowledge and expertise to an even greater extent. You also don't have access to any of the other apps that you can find on the market today, which limits your ability to build relationships with other online stores and brands.

When it comes to Wix vs Shopify, the answer really depends on how much customization you want from your website. Shopify offers several different levels of customization options, while it offers none. They both offer live updates their customers and have thousands of themes to choose from that are already pre-installed. Shopify's customization options are limited while it's being infinite.

When you are deciding between Wix vs Shopify, the main thing you have to look at is how user-friendly the two platforms are. Both platforms offer similar visual elements and allow you to create an online store that looks very professional. However, what sets it apart from shoplift is that there is no inbuilt WYSIWYG editor, and it is far more difficult to navigate compared to shoplift. If you are going to use Wix, make sure you have a good training manual to go to get acquainted with the various features available. For those of you who are new to Wix, it is far easier to learn because it has a visual interface that makes navigation through its much simpler.​


VIP Contributor
I've used Wix before to customize a business website for my music label in the psst, that should be around 2019. It has amazing features, like themes, add-on, plugin and lots more to make a website look beautiful. I haven't tried Shopify, but I've heard about its quality how it can be used to create an online portfolio store to market products. When it comes to blogging, WordPress and blogger is the best cos of its user friendly nature, and world class features to customize an excellent looking blog.


VIP Contributor
The basic plan for Shopify is $29 per month, whereas for wix it is $14. I am not sure about shopify but wix gives you a free domain for the first year. Apart from subscription fees, you will also have to pay for add ons when you use shopify. Based on the price and features, I think wix can be a better option for newbies.


VIP Contributor
I think it is wrong to say Wix and Shopify offer a free web hosting service. Their price include the hosting charge. For $29 per month, that you are supposed to pay to shopify, you can get Dedicated Servers and still save money. There are a lot of open source ecommerce platforms better than shopify.