Would you like to be a vegetarian?


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People become vegetarians for several reasons, and the decision to do so can be taken at any point in your lifetime.

For some, it's all about compassion for animals, while some choose this path for health reasons. Others do it as way of contributing their quota to environmental preservation.

There are different types and degrees of being vegetarians. Some people do not eat any animal product, nor do they use items produced with animal parts.

Some people only avoid diary products and meat, while some avoid both and avoid poultry and poultry products too.

Whichever one you choose, you have to ensure that the diet you're changing to gives you the right nutrition.

I do not think I can do it though. For most of us, it's a norm to eat everything. But do you think you can do it one day, and what would make you do that?
People become vegetarians for several reasons, and the decision to do so can be taken at any point in your lifetime.

For some, it's all about compassion for animals, while some choose this path for health reasons. Others do it as way of contributing their quota to environmental preservation.

There are different types and degrees of being vegetarians. Some people do not eat any animal product, nor do they use items produced with animal parts.

Some people only avoid diary products and meat, while some avoid both and avoid poultry and poultry products too.

Whichever one you choose, you have to ensure that the diet you're changing to gives you the right nutrition.

I do not think I can do it though. For most of us, it's a norm to eat everything. But do you think you can do it one day, and what would make you do that?
Hi. Thank you very much for your interesting thread. In my opinion, it is very healthy to be a vegetarian. This means that you mostly consume fruit and vegetables which are a very good source of vitamins and minerals. As far as I am concerned, I would like to be a vegetarian and I would definitely do it for health reasons. Actually, it is not difficult for me to become a vegetarian because I like fruit and vegetables a lot. On the other hand, I hardly eat red meat and I never eat fish because I do not like it. They only meat I consume is chicken. So things are quite easy for me. :)
I think that it is very beneficial for your health to become a vegetarian but first of all, you must consult your doctor to guide you accordingly. The reason is that there are people like children and pregnant women who must consume meat ,milk, cheese and eggs for health reasons.
I have some friends who tried to be vegetarian for health reasons. But after sometime they went back to eating fish and later on meat was again on the dining table. The reason for going back to being omnivorous is the taste. Eating just vegetables is like punishing the taste buds, that's what they say. Maybe I can agree with them. In our culture we were raised as meat eaters although in the rural areas fish is the most consumed item because of the cheap cost. With being a vegetarian I guess that is okay if you were born to that culture. But if you had tasted meat already and will quit eating meat then it is like trying to fight off the craving for meat. That is my concern with vegans. They have no meat and their body might be wanting the proteins in meat so they would be kind of slow and weak.
No dear i don't want to be vegetarian beacuse every food has its own benefits like chicken is a good source of protein. We are omnivores and we are blessed that we can eat everything like fruits vegetables and meat. We should take benefit from all the eatables. White meat is also very important and good for us all and doctor reccomend everyone to eat white meat like fish beacuse it maintain our cholesterol and give us energy and proyein. I know that fruits and vegetables are very good and also very important for our health but meat is also very important. We should eat everything but in a balanced way. We should eat according to a diet plan and take care of our health. We must eat chicken , mutton , beef , fish and also eat fruits and vegetables like apple , broccoli, avocado, spinach etc. But the person who has heart problem must avoid meat beacuse it is not good for a person who has high blood pressure and diabetes. A person who has heart problems must wat alot of fruits and vegetables and if he want to eat meat then he shiuld eat meat in grilled form or add meat in salad