Written Content Marketing vs Video Marketing


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Anyone in the business of selling online has multiple ways to advertise their products or services. Two popular ways to promote affiliate offers or products and services is content marketing and video marketing.

Which way is the better way to advertise? Well, there is interesting stats for both content and video marketing.

Video Marketing

Let’s look at the positives regarding video marketing. According to an article from Oberlo.com 8 out 10 people have bought an app or software after watching a brand video about the product.

There many other growing trends that support the use of video today to market your products and services.

Video for lead generation is trending upwards. Social media is another platform that video works wonderfully well.

Video is a powerful marketing tool and the demand for video advertising is rapidly increasing.
Written Content Marketing

Although video marketing seems like it's the hot trend in marketing these days with its statistics going higher and higher every year. There still is a demand for written forms of content.

Blog posts and articles are two forms of written content that have been and will be a reliable way of promoting your offers.

People are always looking for reviews online that they read about products and services that they have interest in purchasing. This type of marketing has been successful in the past and will continue to be in the future.

Social media posting is a reliable way to get your message out. Social media is more than just watching videos and pictures.

Ebooks are a popular way of marketing your products. Useful information and guides on how to use software or digital products is valuable.


Both ways of marketing has been found to be very successful in the past. With the internet growing every year both forms of marketing there will be a high demand for content. The key is creating content. The more the better. This will help you reach more potential customers or clients.

If you think video marketing is too hard, think again, there is an easy way to create videos quickly and professionally. Learn more here.
To be honest I am torn between the written and the video. Even in blogs I see the blogging and vlogging as pretty even when it comes to popularity. But for my own personal preference I still prefer the written marketing that lays down the details of the product or service that is being promoted. With the written text especially when the fonts are nice to the eyes and the write up is clear I can get the gist in a minute. Watching a video for 30 seconds would make you think so you will run again the video. What if the video is 3 minutes long? That is a wasted time of your life when the video has no complete details of what you want to know.