Are constant shopping sprees making you broke? Here's what to do!


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Are you tired of constantly shopping and feeling like a broke mess? We are!

We know that it can be hard to avoid the urge to buy things all the time, but we want you to know that it's possible. And if you're ready to take back control of your money, here's how:

1) Start by tracking your spending habits. You can do this by keeping track of your purchases in an app or by making a spreadsheet on your computer (just make sure you don't save any personal information).

2) Once you've got a good idea of what kind of money is going into your accounts and where it's coming from, sit down with a pen and paper and figure out what changes need to be made so that next time around, things will be different! Maybe try some new places for shopping or maybe consider getting rid of some old habits like buying coffee every morning instead of making coffee at home each morning. Whatever works for YOU!

3) Don't buy things you don't need.

4) Accept the fact that there's no such thing as a free lunch and that you're probably paying more for it than if you had just made lunch at home in the first place!

5) Avoid impulse purchases, especially when it comes to food (if there's something on sale and it looks good enough for me to eat then I'll buy it!).